Hey there Enjoyers,
Over the past 25 years of Enjoy Church, as each anniversary passes and new year begins, we always look to theme the year we’re stepping into by faith. But this year is a little different in that, while the years until now have come and gone and it’s felt like the turning of pages, as we step across the threshold into our 26th year it feels more like the commencement of a new chapter. Chapter 2.
Chapter 2 in the book of Acts is undeniably important to the New Testament Church for a multitude of reasons. It’s here that we witness the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, the first of Peter’s sermons being preached, thousands repenting and being added to the church, then the formation of church life. In the midst of this, we see the wind and the fire of the Holy Spirit swirling and landing on those in the upper room and setting them apart for this brand new chapter of their lives.
As we prepare our hearts for this year’s Vision Offering, our encouragement to Enjoyers everywhere is that what God is wanting to do in you, will be far greater than what God is wanting to do through you. Personally, I don’t just believe this to be true, I know it to be true.
So together, let’s pray and seek the Lord as to what our part in this year’s Vision Offering will be. But maybe more important, as individuals who are to be living sacrifices, let’s pray and seek the Lord as to what our part shall be in Chapter 2.
God bless you Church
Love Shane & Georgie
You can give by cash towards our Vision Offering through several ways:
In-Person: Using our dedicated Vision Offering giving envelope during in-person services or by dropping it off at your location’s office throughout the week.
Bank@Post: Deposit cash into our Vision Offering bank account (details below) using Bank@Post at participating local post offices. Include your location in the reference field so we can direct your giving.
NAB Bank: Deposit cash into our Vision Offering bank account (details below) by visiting your local NAB branch. Include your location in the reference field so we can direct your giving.
BSB: 083-437
A/C Number: 862 581 531
A/C Name: Enjoy Church Limited
You can use the following details of our Vision Offering bank account to set up recurring giving (weekly, fortnightly or monthly) directly with your bank.
BSB: 083-437
A/C Number: 862 581 531
A/C Name: Enjoy Church Limited
Include your location in the reference field so we can direct your giving.
After you submit your Commitment Card, you will be directed to set up your giving through Tithe.ly.
Once-Off Gift only: To make a once-off gift, complete the from and press the “Give” button to complete.
Recurring Giving only: Complete the form and select the “Setup automated giving?” option and choose your frequency. Press the “Give” button to complete.
Once-Off Gift and Recurring Giving: You will need to complete this by making a separate transaction for each giving frequency. Firstly, for your once-off gift follow the above instructions for Once-Off Gift and then select “Make Another Gift”. Then for recurring (automated) giving, complete the form following the instructions for Recurring Giving above.
To help direct your giving, please specify your location and where you wish to direct your gift.
Example: Tithes & Offering.