
Enjoy Church is a vibrant and contemporary church with many locations throughout Australia, Japan and Cambodia.

It is our heart to connect you to God and to love, equip and encourage you in Christ to become all that God has purposed and called you to be.

What We Believe

Enjoy Church believes in the Bible, triune God, sin’s reconciliation through Jesus, baptism, and the Holy Spirit’s empowerment.

enjoy church, church australia,

Who We Are

Our vision is to be a large, strategic, Christian church full of life and hope.

Our Story

Shane and Georgie Baxter started Enjoy Church in 1998, now with multiple locations in Australia, Japan, and Cambodia.

Our Senior Pastors

Shane & Georgie Baxter, Senior Pastors of Enjoy Church

Shane and Georgie Baxter are the Senior Pastors of Enjoy Church. With visionary leadership and a relational style, their heart is to see people of all ages realise their God-given potential.

One church, many locations. A place to call home.


