“Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you.” – James 1:27
We invite you to be part of our True Religion initiative, a special part of our Christmas. True religion is not defined by religious practice or activity but by the outworking of our faith and devotion to God that is seen by our genuine love and practical care for others – those who are vulnerable. As you plan your Christmas festivities, take the time to consider how you can make Christmas special for others.

Over past years, our True Religion Campaign partnered with Village Life Cambodia, to see the development goals of vulnerable communities in Cambodia reached, enabling these communities to become self-sustainable.
More recently, our partner organisations have been Children in Families (CIF), a local Cambodian NGO, and Mothers Heart Cambodia.
Children in Cambodia are at high risk of becoming separated from their families due to the pressures and challenges of poverty faced by many families. This separation can lead to children being placed in residential care centres such as orphanages or sent to work in unsafe environments in order to provide for their families. In partnership with CIF, True Religion funding has strengthened 69 vulnerable families, enabling those children to remain in family and attend school, providing the means for parents to work locally. Partnering with CIF, our shared belief, is that the best place for a child to grow up is in a loving family.
Mothers Heart is the first and currently only crisis pregnancy centre in Cambodia, where 1 in 5 women in Cambodia will experience a crisis pregnancy. Mothers Heart exists to empower, equip and educate women and their families through crisis counselling, pre and post-natal support services, medical care and community involvement so that each woman can choose the best future for themselves and their babies.
This year, we are adding Freedom Training Center (FTC) to our True Religion partners.
Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Matthew 19:14
Freedom Training Center was established by Pastor Chanleak and Davy Chea in Ron Ta Aek Village, Bantey Srey District, Siem Reap. This is a community located about 40km from Siem Reap city currently serving 100 children with English and computer classes during weekdays. Children and their parents are invited to attend Church service on Sunday, sharing a meal together after Church.

We have the opportunity to make this Christmas extra special for those in our local community who may find it extra challenging for whatever reason. Through our True Religion campaign, we encourage every Enjoyer to be proactive in connecting with their community. This is the season to go beyond the walls of your Enjoy Church location, and extend a hand towards your neighbour, work colleagues, a school friend, or anyone that God has placed around you.
Together we can make Christmas special for those in our local and Cambodian communities. Thank you for your continued generosity in seeing lives transformed and communities restored.