1Day is an opportunity to prayerfully consider giving the equivalent of one day’s salary on Easter Sunday. This funding ensures our Kinnected Myanmar initiative remains strong and viable.

Kinnected Myanmar
Psalm 68:6, “God puts the lonely in families…”
Global research estimates that approximately 5.4 million children live in orphanages. Even more alarming, at least 80% of these children are not orphans. They have families, who have neither abused nor abandoned their children, but due to poverty struggled to raise them. The most common response from vulnerable families is…
“I was unable to feed, provide safe shelter or send my child to school, and because of this, believed I had no other option other than to send my child to an orphanage…”
In Myanmar it is common for children to be separated from their families and placed in orphanages and children’s homes. Poverty, family breakdown and lack of schools in remote areas is the main cause of this. Families lack awareness of how incredibly damaging institutional care is to a child’s holistic wellbeing and development, and often believe that sending their children away is what’s best for them, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

In response to these issues Enjoy Church is partnering with Australian Christian Churches International and a local Burmese Pastor called Ps Myint Nwe to:
- Reintegrate and reunite children with their families,
- Provide support to strengthen families and communities to prevent future separation,
- Run workshops to raise awareness about child rights and child protection.
Currently the bulk of our funding is used to support Hosannah Community Learning Centre (HCLC). HCLC was formally one of 3 orphanages that housed 70 children, who have all successfully and safely been reintegrated back into families.
HCLC’s main purpose is to ensure every child has every opportunity to grow up in a strong, healthy family. It has become an invaluable resource to its community offering a number of initiatives aimed at strengthening vulnerable families at risk of family separation. These initiatives include trainings such as hairdressing, tailoring and welding as well as primary and secondary tuition.