人生を取り戻す。 コミュニティの変革
私たちは、学校や大学、あるいは私たち自身のコミュニティ・リソース・センターといった場所で、地域コミュニティとつながっている。 国境を越えた地域社会の闘いを認識し、私たちは草の根組織や地域のリーダーたちとパートナーシップを結び、共に歩む人々が貧困や抑圧から解放されることを目指します。

Building connection to prevent isolation and improve mental health for university students through a variety of social events.

祈りは私たちが行うすべてのことの基礎であり、私たちが神の計画と目的に歩調を合わせることを確実にする。 私たちのチームとイニシアチブのために定期的に祈り、コミュニティと協力する。

資金面で協力することで、私たちのチームとパートナーは、それぞれの奉仕分野で変化をもたらす存在となり、影響力を持つことができるのです。 定期的な資金協力、または1回限りの寄付を通じて、さまざまな取り組みに貢献する。 エンジョイ・コミュニティーズの銀行詳細は以下の通り: 銀行NAB BSB: 083 437 口座番号:553596334
The end goal of each of our community initiatives is not for ‘initiatives or partnerships’ to become a place of exchange of ‘goods & services’ but instead for each one to become highly relational by nature.
Through the vehicle of ‘relationship’ our hope is to see transformation realized in four relational areas
- Relationship to God (which is the Spiritual)
- Relationship within self (this is the emotional, & psychological)
- Relationship with each-other (representing the social – and how we relate to those around us)
- Relationship with creation (this is how we relate to and steward the earth’s resources and our own gifts and talents)
We are totally committed to good stewardship…with each and every opportunity God gives us.
Our motivation is not about building our brand but always centered on what is in the best interest of those we are serving…and most importantly the community as a whole.
Our response to need is not based on presumptions but on informed knowledge. We have a strong and ongoing commitment to learn about the communities around us and be willing to adjust our responses as required.
Our emphasis is not on size – but on effectiveness!
Our effectiveness will be determined by our commitment to identify and design our responses to root causes, and not the more obvious symptoms of them.
Whether it be in our local communities or in our global ones – our vision is to see each of those we walk alongside – set free from the pulls of poverty and oppression and empowered to regain control of their own lives.
The challenges in our local and international communities are both enormous and complex…but it is our faith in God and our understanding of His call on our lives that drives us to attempt great things for Him…that would otherwise be beyond us.
Our teams and those we partner with are all passionate about people discovering the fullness of ‘life’ that is only found when they meet Jesus.